

Factions (Will no longer sort by category)
0.125Tiny PredatorAnimal
0.25Small Herb.Animal
0.5Small PredatorAnimal
1LMedium HerbivoreAnimal
1Medium PredatorAnimal
1Medium Fast PredatorAnimal
2Large HerbivoreAnimal
2HLarge PredatorAnimal
2HLarge Fast PredatorAnimal
3Huge CreatureAnimal
5Giant CreatureAnimal
0.25Water ImpAquatic
1River FishmanAquatic
1Deep FishmanAquatic
1HDeep SpearmanAquatic
2River SpiritAquatic
2HShambler WarriorAquatic
4Demi KrakenAquatic
4River NymphAquatic
5Deep OgreAquatic
0Automata SpiderAutomata
1Animated WeaponAutomata
1Automata TurretAutomata



Encounter Total TL: 0


Threat Level (TL) is an approximate measurement of the power level of a creature. It considers the base number 1 to represent an ordinary soldier. A normal PC starts at 2. The PC's level scaling is NOT linear with TL - recognizing there's certain power spikes in Drase's system. See table below for scaling. Sometime, the TL may be labeled "L" or "H" meaning they're weaker / stronger than most creatures of that TL.

TLHPACTo HitDamagePC Equivalence (Theoretical)
0.125151003 (5)N/A
0.5181236 (8) N/A
1201439 (14)0.5 Level 1 PC
24715410 (15)1 Level 1 PC
36017510 (15)1 Level 2 PC
576177 + 1d6k1 (1 Atk Bonus if Humanoid, +3 if non-humanoid)13 (20)1 Level 3 PC
696188 + 1d6k1 / 313 (20)Level 4 PC
81141911 + 1d6k1 / 314 (21)Level 6 PC
121502012 + 2d6k1 / 414 (21)Level 8 PC
201892113 + 2d6k1 / 414 (21)Level 10 PC

Conditional Traits are traits that can be applied to a lot of creatures to create a dynamic monster type on the spot. Below is a list of all conditional traits

  • Ghastly: The physical form of this creature is gone. But its spirit remains strong enough to stay here to haunt the living for whatever purpose, projecting itself into the physical world with a hard to hit ghostly visage.
    • -40% HP.
    • +2 AC, unless it will cause it to exceed 30.
    • +2 Speed, gains the Nimble trait.
    • Immune to Necrotic, Poison and Psychic damage.
    • Resistant to Cut, Piercing, Blunt damage.
    • They’re immune to all status effects.
    • Gains Magical Flight as a talent, and cannot provoke OA under any circumstances.
    • The creature must've been a formerly living intelligent animal
  • Skeletonized: Only the bones of the original creature remain. The creature becomes fragile but resistant to magic.
    • -25% HP.
    • Resistant to Piercing damage and all Magical damage except Radiant and Force
    • Immune to Poison and Psychic damage.
    • Vulnerable to Blunt and Radiant damage.
    • Immune to the Rot and Bleed status effect.
    • The target must've been a formerly living animal
  • Zombified: The creature has been turned into a shambling undead, its flesh rotting away, left with a hunger for fresh meat, and loses motor dexterity.
    • +50% HP
    • 2 or 50% of its speed, whichever is higher.
    • Immune to Poison and Psionic damage.
    • Resistant to Cold damage
    • Vulnerable to Radiant damage.
    • Immune to the Rot and Bleed status effect.
    • Target must've been a formerly living animal.
  • Elite: This unit is exemplary of its kind, one of the strongest. Whether an unusually strong magical creature or a very well trained soldier of an elite formation. Gain the following effect:
    • +100% HP (Multiplied by any additional modifier)
    • +3 to hit
    • +2 to its two highest attributes. If a non-magical humanoid, cannot exceed 5. Cannot exceed 10.
    • +2 (3) damage to all attacks at or below 10 damage
    • +4 (6) damage to all attacks above 10 damage
    • Multiply TL by 2x
  • Titan: It is a Titan!
    • +15 HP
    • +1 Reach on all weapons.
    • All unit gains +3 (If NPC) or +1 attack bonus versus it from range.
    • Target must be humanoid.